Article data in English (انگلیسی)
Recognizing the Constituents of the Meaning of Life, Marriage and Matrimony of the Spouses Enjoying Marital Satisfaction
Zahra Gitipasand / PhD in counseling, Allamah Tabatabai University gitipasand@yahoo.com
Kiyomars Farahbakhsh / Assistant Professor of counseling, Allamah Tabatabai University
Ma’someh Ismaeili / Associate Professor of counseling, Allamah Tabatabai University
Mohammad Sa’eid Zokaii / PhD in social sciences, Allamah Tabatabai University
Received: 2014/02/06 - Acceopted: 2014/06/30
This research which aims at investigating the meaning of the life of the spouses enjoying material satisfaction, provides a pattern of the meaning of satisfactory life based on its findings. The statistical community includes satisfied couples from Tehran, among whom eight couples were chosen by purposeful sampling. The married life period of the selected spouses is less than 15 years and they have at least one child. The research used qualitative methods and semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to collect the data. In the first stage, each spouse was interviewed alone and in the next stage, the two were simultaneously interviewed. On average the interviews with either lasted 60 minutes and the interviews with both spouses 30 minutes. To analyze the data obtained from the interviews, the open, axial and selective codification is used in the research. In addition to identifying the constituents of the meaning of individual life, meaning of marriage and meaning of the marital life of spouses, the findings show that such characteristics like; semantic consistency, cooperation in conveying the common meaning and ability are shared by the spouses.
Key words: the meaning of individual life, the meaning of marriage, the meaning of marital life, the semantic model of satisfactory life.
Abuse and Fighting it from the Perspective of Islam and Psychology
Mohammad Ali Ghasemi Nejad / PhD student in general psychology, Mohaghegh Ardebili University in Ardebil mohamad_psy25@yahoo.com
Nader Hajloo / Associate professor of psychology department, Mohaghegh Ardebili University in Ardebil
Servin Ansar Hossein / PhD student in general psychology, Mohaghegh Ardebili University in Ardebil
Received: 2014/11/11 - Acceopted: 2015/04/16
The aim of this study was to investigate the phenomenon of abuse and fighting it from the perspective of psychology and Islam. To this end, the psychological and religious sources related to this topic were studied. The research method in this study was descriptive-analytical and the relationship between the concepts was investigated through studying texts on religion and psychology. The results showed that in Islam religion and in psychology, different types of abuse (like ridiculing, cursing, fault-finding, gossiping, humiliating and physical beating) have been investigated and the damaging impacts of such acts have been mentioned. Reflecting on religious texts, specific programs have been offered to combat abuse. Among these programs are strengthening brave behaviors, raising awareness of the consequences of abusive behaviors, eliminating the grounds for ridicule, direct response, and cutting ties with these people. Therefore, using the Quranic and Islamic guidance in the form of stories and guidelines, and through a psychological approach to preventive measures appropriate to our culture, we need to develop a plan for dealing with abusive behaviors.
Key words: bullying, abuse, Islam, psychology.
The Effectiveness of Spirituality Therapy Method on the Quality
of Life and the Women of Najaf Abad Who Suffer from Diabetes
Zahara Babai /MA student of clinical psychology, Islamic Azad University of Isfahan (Khorasgan), Isfahan, Iran zahrababaee20@yahoo.com
Zohreh Latifi / Assistant Professor of psychology, Payam Noor University, Isfahan
Maryam Ismaeili / Assistant Professor of psychology Department, Isfahan University
Received: 2013/03/03 - Acceopted: 2014/08/08
This study aims at identifying the effectiveness of spirituality therapy method on the quality of life and sanity of the women who suffer from diabetes. This study uses a semi-experimental kind of method and a plan for pretest - post-test was made. The study group was divided into two groups: test group and control. The statistical community including all the women of Najaf Abad who suffer from diabetes from among those who have files in the health clinics. They were called for face-to-face interview. 30 people of them were randomly chosen as sample and were divided in two groups: test group and control group. First, the two groups completed SCL-90-R questionnaire and a questionnaire on the quality of life. Then, the test group attended eight sessions on spirituality therapy. The findings show that the effect of independent variable on dependent variable is noteworthy and meaningful. The spirituality therapy method has affect on the quality of life and on the sanity of the women suffering from diabetes. To sum up, spirituality therapy method contributes to improving the quality of life and people’s sanity.
Key words: spirituality therapy, quality of life, sanity, diabetes.
The Differences in Personality Traits and Hope among
the Students Having Relationship and Students Having No Relationship with to the Opposite Sex
Mohammad Zarei Tupkhaneh / PhD student of general psychology, Hawzeh and Daneshgah research center
Sayyedeh Khadijeh Moradyani Gizeh Rud / MA in educational psychology, Allameh Tabatabaii University
Mahmud Golzari / associate professor of psychology, Allameh Tabatabaii University
Received: 2013/03/18 - Acceopted: 2014/07/31
This study examines the differences in personality traits and hope among the students who have relationships and students who have no relationships with the opposite sex. The survey sample consists of, 316 students from the high schools in Robat Karim chosen by random cluster sampling. It is a quantitative- correlational research in which 13-item questionnaire on the relationship with the opposite sex, "Eysenck's" 90 -item questionnaires on personality and Schneider's 12- item questionnaire on "hope" were used. Chi-square and t-tests were used for analyzing the data. The findings suggest that the proportion of the boys who establish relationship with the opposite sex is higher than that of the girls. Moreover, the relationship with the opposite sex is related to the increase in neurotic personality traits, schizophrenia, extroversion, and despair. Another finding is that the schizophrenia from which those who have experienced sexual relationship is more serious. Therefore, abstinence from sex heavily stressed in this research.
Key words: personality, hope, friendship, opposite sex.
Construction of the Preliminary Test of Appreciation Based
on the Islamic Teachings
Ibrahim Salarvand / MA in clinical psychology,IKI salarvand.salarvand@yahoo.com
Mohammad Reza Ahmadi / assistant professor of psychology department, IKI
Seyed Mohammad Reza Moosavani Nasab / assistant professor of education department, IKI
Received: 2014/09/11 - Acceopted: 2015/01/19
This descriptive study is a survey that aims to "develop an appreciation questionnaire based on the Islamic teachings". In descriptive method, Islamic teachings on appreciation and gratitude were analyzed. After extraction of cognitive, behavioral and emotional components in two areas of appreciation of the Creator and the creature, the preliminary questionnaire was developed. In the survey method, the reliability and validity of the scale were studied in a sample of 104 participants from the statistical population of Imam Khomeini Institute’s students. In order to obtain the convergent and criterion-based validity, the Satisfaction with Life Scale and the appreciation questionnaire were respectively used. In evaluation of content validity, experts’ mean scores of 0 .87and Kendall’s concordance coefficient of 0.159 were obtained. To measure the construct validity, the correlation between the subscales and the total score, the correlation between the components of each subscale and total score, and the correlation of each item with the total score were calculated. The results show a satisfactory validity. In studying the reliability of the scale, Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0. 9, Spearman split-half of 0.81,and Guttman split-half of 0.78 were obtained.
Key words: Islam, psychology, appreciation, gratitude.
Prediction of Decreasing the Rate of Drug Misuse among
High School Students as a Result of Devotion to God, Religious Attitude, Social Support and Sensation-Seeking
Hassan Rezaii Jamaluii / PhD student in Health psychology, Islamic Azad University of Najaf Abad,
the young and elite club, Najaf Abad, Iran h.rezayi2@yahoo.com
Saeid Aryaporan / Assistant professor of psychology department, Malayer University
Mohsen Kachoei / PhD student in Health psychology, Kharazmi University of Tehran
Hossein Moradi / MA Student of psychology, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Unit
Mahdi Taheri / PhD student in Health psychology, Kharazmi University of Tehran
Received: 2014/02/01 - Acceopted: 2014/06/16
This study tries to predict the decrease in the rate of drug misuse among high school students due to their devotion to God, religious attitude, social protection and seeking the emotionality. The survey sample consists of 600 male students from Najaf Abad’s (Isfahan) high schools for the academic year 1391-1392 who were chosen on the basis of a multi-stage cluster-sampling method. For gathering the data from the list of victims’ tendency towards drug misuse; the study uses Back and Mc Donald’s questionnaire on Devotion to God, Serajzadeh’s questionnaire on religious attitude, Fleming and collegues’ questionnaire on social support and the fifth sensation-seeking scale by Zuckerman. The results of analysis of multi-variable regression show that about 47 percent of the variance of the tendency or non-tendency towards drug misuse is ascribed to students’ devotion to God, religious attitude, social support and excitation-seeking, and about 52 percent the the variance of tendency or non-tendency towards drug misuse to students’ trust in God, adventure-seeking or risk-taking, family support and ideological aspect.
Key words: tendency towards drug misuse, devotion to God, religious attitude, social support and excitation-seeking.
The Relationship between Adherence to Religious Beliefs and Social Wealth with the Educational Status of High School Students
Mohammad Ghamari / Assistant professor of counseling department, Islamic Azad University, Abhar, Iran
Ibrahim Esmae’li / MA Student of counseling, Islamic Azad University, Abhar, Iran
Mahmod A’zami / PhD in education, Islamic Azad University, Abhar, Iran
Received: 2013/12/17 - Acceopted: 2014/05/18
This study seeks to find the relationship of social wealth and adherence to religious beliefs with the educational status of students. A kind of correlation method is used in this research, and the survey sample consist of 145 high school students from Sa’in Ghal’e who were chosen on the basis of the stratified random -sampling method, and questionnaires about social wealth and adherence to religious beliefs were distributed among them to fill out. The students’ average mark was used for recognizing the educational status. The collected data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis. The results show that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between adherence to religious beliefs and students’ educational status and between social wealth and students’ educational status. Also, the result of research shows that 37 percent of the changes (variance) of the variable of students’ educational status are explained according to two variables: religious beliefs and social wealth, and 63 percent of the educational status according to the changes of other variables and factors.
Key words: social wealth, religious beliefs, educational progress.