Ravanshenasi Wa Din

    Publisher: The Imam Khomeini Education & Research institute
    Director-in-Charge: Mohammad naser Saghaye biriya
    Deputy Editor:
    Executive Director: Ali
    Phone: 02532113474
    Address: Imam Khomeini Institute of Education and Research, Floor 4, Blv. Jomhoori-e-Islami, Blv. Amin, Qom, Iran
    Postal Code: 37165-186
    Email: marifat@qabas.net
    Print ISSN: 2008-1782

    Tags Cloud

    20 mental health
    11 religious orientation
    11 happiness
    9 religiosity
    8 Religion
    7 Islam
    7 spirituality
    7 depression
    6 Personality
    6 self-control
    6 religious attitude
    6 marital satisfaction
    6 education
    4 aggression
    4 Emotional intelligence
    4 Stress
    4 validity
    4 scale
    4 Questionnaire
    3 attitude
    3 Prayer
    3 Islamic sources
    3 piety
    3 Attachment to God
    3 marital satisfaction.
    3 self
    3 age
    3 Spiritual Intelligence
    3 psychometrics
    2 psychotherapy