Article data in English (انگلیسی)
The Structure of the Concept of Identity Based on Islamic Resources
Najibollah Nouri/ PhD student of psychology, IKI NooRi1351@gmail.com
Ali Asgari/ Assistant professor of educational psychology, Kharazmi University
Rahim Narouei Nosrati/ Assistant professor of psychology, IKI
Mohammad Sadeq Shojaei/ Assistant professor of psychology, Jame`atoll Mostafa Al`alamiye
Received: 2016/05/04 - Accepted: 2016/09/22
The present study aims at discovering the structure of the concept of identity in Islamic resources. Using a qualitative-analytical content analytic method and a semantic method, the equivalent and structural components of identity has been drawn from Islamic resources. Then, the equivalents and components of identity were given to the seminary sciences experts who have psychological or educational expertise to analyze the content validity. After examining 561 concepts drawn from Islamic resources, first 17 and finally 7 concepts, including; temperament, scheme, virtues, faith, obedience, self-knowledge and philosophical identity showed the greatest coordination with identity. Based on theoretical evidences and experts` views, self-knowledge is the most appropriate equivalent for identity and 16 structural components were chosen for it. Based on experts` gradation, 9 components including; beliefs, values, goals, trends, acquired recognition, persistent features, wide-awake feeling and self-worth were introduced as the standard components of the structure of identity. Consequently identity in Islamic resources is the answer to the question as to what one is, which covers its different aspects.
Key words: identity, self-knowledge, conceptual structure, Islamic resources, structural components.
The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Based on God-Like, Self-Like and Hereafter-Like Assumptions on the Identity of Obsessive-Incontinence Disorder: a Case Study
Hassan Ansari/ PhD student of psychology, research center of seminary and University
Mas`ud Janbozorgi/ Associate professor of psychology department, research center of seminary and University
Received: 2016/05/25 - Accepted: 2016/09/29
This study aims at introducing a pattern of cognitive-behavioral therapy based on religious presuppositions of improving God-like and self-like assumptions as an introduction and important ground for improving God-like and hereafter-like assumptions and analyzing its effectiveness on reducing obsessive-incontinence disorder. In a single-case project, the process of treatment was done for two male patients. The participants were analyzed Yael Brown obsessive-incontinence disorder scale as a dependent variable, in four stages including; pre-treatment stage (base line), tenth session, last session (twentieth session) and three months after treatment (follow up). According to Yael Brown scale, the first participant`s score decreased from 27 in the pre-treatment stage to 6 and second participant`s score from 18 to 0. Therefore, the cognitive-behavioral therapy based on God-like religious assumptions, self-like and hereafter-like assumptions contribute to reducing obsessive-incontinence disorder.
Key words: obsessive disorder, incontinency, religious cognitive-behavioral therapy, God-like assumptions, self-likes assumptions, and hereafter-like assumption.
The Effectiveness of Religion-Based Moral Teachings on Improving
the Formation of Religious Identity of Adolescents
Shahnaz khaleghi pour/ Assistant professor of psychology, Azad Islamic University, Naein branch, Isfahan, Iran shkhaleghipour@yahoo.com
Received: 2015/05/12 - Accepted: 2015/10/02
The current paper aims at analyzing the effectiveness of religion-based moral teachings on improving the formation of religious identity of adolescents. This semi-experimental study was done in a control group with pre-test post-test. The statistical population includes male students of high school aged 14-17. 30 people were randomly chosen through the method of cluster sampling and were placed in two groups: control and experiment consisting 15 people. Religion identity questionnaires were used to collect the data. The experimental group was subjected to moral teachings. Data collection was done through the method of multivariate covariance analysis. The findings show that moral teachings are effective in improving the formation of prohibited, premature, agitated and successful religious identity; however, it was not effective on stereotype religious identity. Religion-based moral teaching can raise awareness and commitment to the fundamental values of religion and they are effective in forming successful religious identity.
Key words: adolescents, religious identity, morals, religion.
The Effectiveness of Spiritual Therapy on Death Anxiety
of the Aged Living in Old People`s Homes
Afsane Sartip Zadeh/ MA of general psychology P.N.U Tehran afsane.sartipzade@yahoo.com
Mahnaz Ali Akbari Dehkordi/ Associate professor P.N.U
Raziyeh Tabaeiyan/ Assistant professor, Tehran University
Received: 2015/01/01 - Accepted: 2015/06/07
The present study analyzes the effectiveness of spiritual therapy on death anxiety of the aged people. This paper uses semi-pilot method and is done with a ((pre-test, post-test follow up)) plan in a control group. The statistical population of this study includes all the aged living in old people`s homes. Among the aged who attained scores of over 7in the scale of death anxiety, 20 seniors were randomly chosen in two groups of 10 in experimental and control groups. The experimental group received spiritual therapy-based intervention. Then, the death anxiety questionnaire was filled through the assessed sample in post-test and follow up. Data analysis was done through the method of variance analysis and re-measurements. The findings show that group spiritual therapy causes significant differences in mean scores of the experimental group in post-test and follow up relative to pre-test and it was effective in reducing senior`s death anxiety. Consequently spiritual therapy is an efficient method for reducing death anxiety of the aged.
Key words: old person, death anxiety, spiritual therapy.
Effects of Spirituality therapy with emphasis on Islamic Teachings
on the Promotion of Psychological Capital in General, and Its Component
(self-efficacy, hopefulness, resilience, and optimism) among Students
Mohamad Khaledian/ department of psychology P.N.U, Tehran, IRAN
Zahra Karami Baghteyfouni/ Assisstant professor, department of psychology, P.N.U, Iran
Received: 2015/03/06 - Accepted: 2015/07/27
The aim of this research was to study the efficiency of spirituality therapy with emphasis on Islamic teachings on the promotion of psychological capital in general, and its component including; (self-efficacy, hopefulness, resilience and optimism) among students. The sample consists of all the P.N.U students, Divandare branch in the academic year 2014-2015. 30 students were randomly chosen to take part in the survey. A random sample of 15 students with the available sample size were selected and voluntarily participated in a spirituality therapy. Also 15 students were selected as a control group who received no education. Both groups were evaluated by psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ) before and after training intervention. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (analysis of covariance) was used. The findings show that spirituality therapy is effective on psychological capital, and its components including; (self-efficacy, hopefulness, resilience and optimism) among the students.
Key words: spirituality therapy, psychological capital, self-efficacy, hopefulness, resilience, optimism.
The Impact of Religion-Based Communication Skills on the Improvement of Self-Esteem and Mental Health among Students
Zahra Shahsavari/ MA of family counseling, Kharazmi University z.shahsavari@ymail.com
Rahim Mirderikvandi/ assistant professor of Department of psychology, IKI
Received: 2014/10/06 - Accepted: 2015/03/12
Mental health and self- esteem are psychological issues that have long been considered by psychologists, physicians and religious scholars and have also been influenced by a set of social and cognitive factors. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of training communication skills adopting a religious approach on self- esteem and mental health of female students.
The research method is experimental using pre-test, post-test design with a control group. The instruments included the Cooper Smith`s self-esteem questionnaire (1986) and Goldberg General Health questionnaire (1988). The population of the research included all high school female students in Parand in the academic year 2013-2014. From among them, 60 students were randomly selected by multi stage- cluster sampling method and were then divided into two experimental and control groups. Intervention (communicative skills improving through a religious approach) was carried out on the experimental group for seventeen sessions, each lasting for seventy minutes and once per week. SPSS 14 and Ancova tests were used to analyze the collected data.
The results of Ancova showed that there was a significant difference in the means of the experimental and control groups in terms of self-esteem (F=49.32, P<0.001) and mental health(F=83.82, P<0.001).The communication skills training by using a religious approach was effective in the improvement of self-esteem and mental health of students.
Key words: communication skills, religious approach, self- esteem, mental health.
An Inquiry into Alienation from Erich Fromm's View
and Comparing it with Islam's View
Behbood Yar Gholi/ Assistant professor of Shahid Madani University, Azarbayejan
Sadeq Sayyadi/ PhD student of educational psychology, of Shahid Madani University, Azarbayejan
Received: 2014/10/06 - Accepted: 2015/03/11
One of the fundamental issues of the modern world is alienation, which always has been of interest to Muslim and non-Muslim scholars. The purpose of this research was comparison and evaluation of Erich Fromm's view (follower of humanism school) and Islam's view at the context of alienation. The method of present research was descriptive-analytical. In this research after introduction and definitions of alienation and brief biography of Erich Fromm, Fromm's thoughts are presented in context of alienation and then investigated Islam's view in this context. Both views introduce alienation as separation of man from real self and both know alienation extremely harmful and dangerous for human. But in Fromm's view belief in God and religion causes alienation while in Islam's view we must search the roots and causes of the problem of alienation in the teachings of divine religions and faith in God and religion prevents human's alienation.
Key words: alienation, Erich Fromm, humanism, Islam.
The Relationship between Islamic Lifestyle, Empathy
and Hopefulness among Adolescents
Seyyed Mohammd Hassan Fatemi Ardestani/ MA of Quran and Hadith sciences, Osuloddin University, Tehran fatemiardestani@gmail.com
Shima Pazhuhi Nia/ PhD student of psychology, Allame Tabatabaei University
Mahmood Eslami/ MA of educational management, Azad University, Eslamshahr
Masoume Kafili Yousef Abad/ MA of educational psychology, Alzahra University
Received: 2015/05/04 - Accepted: 2015/10/06
The aim of present study is to investigate the relationship of Islamic lifestyle with empathy and hopefulness among adolescents. For this purpose, a sample containing 380 adolescents were selected using random multistage cluster sampling from all high schools for boys in Tehran in the 93-94 academic year. Questionnaires about Islamic lifestyle, empathy and hopefulness were used for collecting the data, and descriptive statistics, correlation coefficients and regression analysis were used for analyzing the data. The results show that the relationship of adolescents 'Islamic lifestyle with empathy and hopefulness is positive and significant. Also, the results of multiple regression analysis indicate that Islamic lifestyle can explain the extent of empathy and hopefulness among adolescents.
Key words: Islamic lifestyle, empathy, hopefulness, adolescents.