The current research was carried out with the aim of achieving the model of the approach and prevention program (encouragement and punishment) based on Islamic sources for godly spiritual parenting. To achieve this goal, the semantic domain of parenting was extracted based on dictionaries and religious texts, and in addition, hadith books were used. By using vocabulary and hadith sources of this area, the units of analysis related to the subject were determined. By classifying and centralizing the specified texts, it was qualitatively analyzed and the model of the approach and prevention program was extracted and determined. In order to check the content validity of the relevant components and documents, 3 experts were provided, and the experts' opinions were also reviewed and the findings were confirmed with 100% regarding the degree of conformity with the documents and the necessity of the categories. According to the obtained results, the approach and prevention program model was divided into four categories. The approach program consists of two types of explicit reinforcement and implicit reinforcement, and the prevention program consists of two types of implicit discipline and explicit discipline. Also, the results showed that the hidden plan of turning (incitement) is to gain God's pleasure and the hidden plan of inhibition (intimidation) is to ward off God's wrath, which can be used in all the perceptual fields of origin, self, objective existence, and end.