The purpose of this research is to investigate "the effectiveness of spiritual therapy on reducing marital conflicts, coldness and abuse in couples". The research is semi-experimental of pre-test-post-test type with control group. The statistical population consists of couples referring to the Kermanshah Life Counseling Center, 30 of whom were selected using the "available sampling" method and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups (15 in each group). To collect data, the questionnaires of "marital conflicts " by Barati (1375), "marital coldness" by Paniz (1996) and "marital abuse" by Bass and Perry (1998) were used. Hypotheses were analyzed using covariance analysis test. There was a significant difference between experimental and control groups after the implementation of spiritual therapy (0/001), and the level of marital conflicts, coldness, and abuse in the couples in the experimental group was significantly reduced. The effectiveness of spiritual therapy in both the experimental and control groups was statistically significant at 0.001 level. Spiritual therapy is effective in reducing marital conflicts, coldness and abuse with 0.95 confidence. Considering the effectiveness of spiritual therapy, couples are recommended to participate in spiritual therapy workshops and courses to improve their health and strengthen the foundation of their families.