Investigating what wisdom is and how it should be defined is the most fundamental concern in discussions on wisdom. The aim of this research is to conceptualize "wisdom" in psychology and to identify its corresponding concepts in Islamic sources. "Linguistic semantics" has been used for the conceptualization of "wisdom" in psychology and the identification of its corresponding concepts in Islamic sources. For examining the correspondence between these concepts and wisdom in Islamic sources, the method of "descriptive contextualization" has been used. The research findings show that the semantic field of "wisdom" in vocabulary and psychology is characterized by components such as "structural and process knowledge, insight, benevolence and transcendental values, emotional control and positive emotions, acting on knowledge and skills ". Corresponding to the semantic field of "wisdom" in vocabulary and psychology, words such as "intellect, science, knowledge, hikmah, intelligence, cleverness, understanding, intelligence, perception, inference of thought, jurisprudence, procedure, expert, sagacity, acumen, tact, perspicacity, ingenuity, thoughtfulness, discernment, advice and insight" were identified in Islamic sources. The results of the research in the second step showed that the concepts of "inference, wisdom, prudence, and advice" with a content validity index (CVI) of 72.00, 44.00, 44.00, and 36.00 were removed and 19 other concepts possess the needed level of correspondence and affinity with wisdom in Islamic sources.