Using "qualitative content analysis", this research was carried out with the aim of explaining the semantic field of "anxiety" in order to improve treatment methods in the field of psychology. By analyzing the collocations and substitute concepts of "anxiety" in narrative texts, it was concluded that the concepts of "ham, irtiyab, faza’, qelaq and etc. "(due to the characteristics of "vague fear, fear of insecurity, worry about one's own behavior") in a special sense and the words "vaja’, dhaygh, rejz, khowf and etc" in a general sense (in addition to indications of the same characteristics) correspond to "anxiety". Also, in the semantic field, "anxiety" can be divided into three types: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. But the words "amn", "istiqrar", "rahe", "itminan", "sharh-e sadr" are opposite to "anxiety". Other findings indicate that, as a part of human life, anxiety has some levels. A low level of anxiety is normal and leads to human progress, but a high level is abnormal. Chronic anxiety is experienced when ineffective attitudes take away his will to perform religious duties.