The purpose of this research is to identify the examples of "good relationship with wife" from the point of view of female students of Bojnord University. For this purpose, qualitative research and "descriptive phenomenology" method have been used. The participants in this research were 29 female students of Bojnord University in the academic year 2018-2017, who were selected by "purposive sampling" method. Passing the course "Family in Islam and familiarity with its concepts" was considered as a criterion for entering the research. Data collection was done using in-depth semi-structured interviews and continued until theoretical saturation was reached. Encoding and data analysis was done using the Collaizi method, and 150 important sentences extracted from the interviews were placed in 29 sub-themes (semantic clusters) based on semantic similarity. Finally, the related meanings were grouped under the title of 9 themes, including: unconditional acceptance of the wife as a free human being, instilling a sense of security in wife in married life, taking responsibility for providing peace and comfort to the family, responding to the wife's need for love and showing commitment in action and behavior, trying to strengthen intimacy with the in-laws, personality maturity, respect for the wife and appreciation for her efforts, having a spirit of forgiveness and sacrifice, and having a good temper. By using these features, men can follow the Qur'an's order of "good relationship with wives" and create a satisfying life for themselves and their wives.