The present research was conducted with the aim of investigating and discovering the main elements of Islamic psychology in the research published in Iran from 1359 to 1399. For this purpose, scientific articles, books and written interviews investigating and theorizing in the field of Islamic psychology were collected and finally 35 articles, 10 books and 13 written interviews were chosen. These sources were selected in terms of direct relationship with the question and purpose of the research. Due to the scope and dispersion of the available documents regarding Islamic psychology, the collected data were analyzed using the "qualitative content analysis" method in three stages: "open coding", "axial coding" and "selective coding". In the open coding phase, 115 codes were extracted first, and after summarizing and integrating, 47 codes that did not overlap with other codes were discovered. In the axial coding stage, the codes obtained from the previous stage were grouped and 16 codes were obtained. Finally, the axial codes were placed in four selective codes of "definition", "method", "subject" and "objectives". These selective codes were named the "fundamental factors of Islamic psychology" and were referred to as "nuclear category".