"Intimacy" is an essential factor in marital satisfaction, quality, stability and performance. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of "spiritual well-being", "forgiveness" and "time perspective" in differentiating couples with high and low marital intimacy. The research method was correlational. The statistical population included all couples between 20 and 40 years of age in Malayer city, from whom 366 couples were selected using availability sampling. "Spiritual well-being", "decisional and emotional forgiveness", "time perspective" and "marital intimacy" scales were used to collect data. The data was analyzed using "diagnostic analysis". The results showed that the dimensions of spiritual well-being, forgiveness and time perspective had a significant role in predicting the group membership of couples with high and low marital intimacy. In other words, deterministic present time perspective, emotional forgiveness, negative past time perspective, existential well-being, positive past time perspective, decisional past, future time perspective, and hedonistic present have predicted the membership of people in two groups, respectively. Considering the confirmation of the role of spiritual well-being in differentiating couples with high and low marital intimacy, the attention of marriage counselors and psychologists to the role of these variables in prevention programs and counseling services in couples with low marital intimacy is of special importance.