Article data in English (انگلیسی)
A Study into the Development Stages of the Emotional Component of Faith in God in Childhood and Adolescence
Mojtaba Heidari\ PhD student of psychology, IKI mojtabaheidari50@yahoo.com
Ali Asgari\ Assistant professor, Islamic Azad university, Tehran south branch
Mahmood Nozari\ Assistant professor, university research areas
Seyyed Mohammad Reza Musavi Nasab\ Assistant professor, IKI
Received: 2016/03/09 - Acceopted: 2016/08/03
This paper seeks to examine the development stages of the emotional component of the faith in God among youngsters and teenagers using a cross-sectional method. 198 boys and girls, 7 to 17 years old have been selected from Qom by the method of stratified random sampling. The research data have been gathered based on a clinical method and semi-structured solo interviews and the results have been scored by five experts. The data have been assessed by the method of variance analysis. The results indicate that with the increase in age, the emotional faith gets stronger. Furthermore based on the results obtained the process of the development of the emotional component of faith in God among youngsters and teenagers has the following steps: Having the feeling that God is kind, confabulating with God, having an intimate relationship with God, having the sense of appreciation or shame before God. Moreover a comparison between girl`s grades and boy`s grades notifies the significant difference of the two sexes in this component, and that the girl`s grades are higher than the boy`s grades.
Key words: stage, development, faith in God, emotional component of faith, childhood and adolescence.
The Effectiveness of Islamic Hope Therapy on the Subjective Well-being of the People with Multiple Sclerosis Compared with Snyder Hope Therapy
Mobin Salehi/ PhD student of general psychology, University research areas mobinsalehi@yahoo.com
Masud Janbozorgi/ Psychology group associate professor, University research areas
Seyyed Kazem Rasul zadeh Tabatabaei/ Psychology associate professor, Tarbiat Modarres University
Received: 2016/03/06 - Acceopted: 2016/07/28
The present paper aims at analyzing the effectiveness of Islamic hope therapy on the subjective well-being of the women with MS and compering its effectiveness with Snyder hope therapy. In order to compare the two treatments, the experimental research of three groups through pre-test, post-test and follow-up has been conducted; Islamic hope therapy experimental group; Snyder hope therapy experimental group and control group. The statistical population is the people with MS of MS society of Qom. Each group consisting of 12 people attended 8 sessions every week and each session lasted 120 minutes. The dependent variable was the subjective well-being which was assessed in three stages by using two scales: happiness scale and life satisfaction scale. The statistical analysis shows that the both treatments have significantly (P<0/05) promoted the limits of subjective well-being of the people with MS, and no significant difference was found between the two treatments. The findings show that applying the Islamic hope therapy we can expect the same results as those of Snyder hope therapy.
Key words: hope, Islamic hope therapy, Snyder hope therapy, subjective well-being, Multiple Sclerosis.
The Anthropological Foundations; The Duality, The Originality
of Soul and their Role and Free Will in Islamic Psychology
Abolghasem Bashiri/ Assistant professor of psychology group, IKI bashiri@Qabas.net
Received: 2016/03/15 - Acceopted: 2016/08/04
The present paper attempts to study the anthropological foundations of Islamic psychology and its impacts on objectives, methodology, theorization and approaches in different fields of this knowledge. The method of this study is descriptive-analytic. Initially, by reference to Islamic sources, this paper seeks to identify the basic concepts and statements that describe man and his characteristics, then expounds man`s foundational characteristics by using intellectual reasoning, Quranic and empirical evidences. The findings of the paper indicate that man is a two-dimensional creature having a soul and free will. The results indicate that the basic assumptions about human nature are as follows; having the power of thinking, being logical, having free will, being impressionable and being recognizable. Moreover in order to identify man`s nature, anthropological foundations have a determining role in psychological researches and even they specify the researcher’s method.
Key words: foundations, man, basic assumptions, Islamic psychology.
The Effectiveness of Patience Training on the Three Virtues
of Courage, Justice and Moderation
Samira Maghsudi Madih/ MA of general psychology, Allame Tabatabaei University
Farideh Hossein Sabet/ psychology assistant professor, Allame Tabatabaei University
Received: 2015/04/25 - Acceopted: 2015/10/13
The purpose of the current study is to ascertain the effectiveness of patience training on the three virtues of courage, justice and moderation among female-headed households. The statistical population includes all the female-headed households supported by welfare department Jiroft town in the year 1392. The sample includes 20 female-headed households covered by the welfare department who attained the lowest scores by the scale of patience, and have been randomly replaced in the two experimental and control groups. The experimental group passed an eight-session course on patience. In order to evaluate the personality capabilities, the scale of practical values in action in action have been used. Median and standard deviation have been used in this paper to describe the data. For testing hypothesis covariance analysis have been conducted. In addition, for analyzing the efficiency of the follow-up period, the (dependent t) test has been conducted. The results affirm the effectiveness of patience on the power of personality capabilities (three virtues: courage, moderation and justice) and this effect became obvious in a two-month follow up period.
Key words: patience training, personality capabilities, female-headed households.
A Study into the Efficiency of Patience Training
in Psychological Hardiness
Hassan Ali Veis Karami/ Assistant professor of Educational Psychology, Lorestan University
Firoozeh Ghazanfari/ Assistant professor of Psychology, Lorestan University
Tahereh Rahimipour/ PhD student of educational psychology, Lorestan University
Received: 2014/05/31 - Acceopted: 2014/10/13
The current paper is an experimental study that has the form of pre-test _ post-test. The purpose of this research is analyzing the efficiency of patience training on psychological hardiness. The statistical population consists of the entire female students in Isfahan high schools for the academic year 1392-1393. A sample including 30 students has been chosen through the method of multistage random cluster sampling. They were randomly placed in two groups: experimental and control. Patience training as a participation was conducted during 11 sessions in the experimental group, while the control group received no participation. The measurement tool of this study includes Hossein Sabet`s (Patience) scale and Kobasa`s (Hardiness) questionnaire. The research data have been analyzed through covariance statistical method by SPSS. The research results show that group patience training is significantly (P<0/05) effective in promoting the limit of student`s hardiness.
Key words: patience training, hardiness, patience.
The Effectiveness of Spiritual Training on Improving Hardiness
and Psychological well-Being
Mansour Beirami/ Psychological group professor, Tabriz University
Masume Movahedi/ PhD student of health psychology, Kharazmi University Tehran, Iran
Yazdan Movahedi/ PhD student of cognitive neurosciences, Tabriz University
Kolsum Karimi Nejad/ PhD student of counseling shahid chamran University Ahwaz
Received: 2014/09/27 - Acceopted: 2015/1/31
Due to the prevalence of negative psychological problems, some reports consider that the spiritual treatment methods have priority over conventional treatments. Accordingly the purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of spiritual training on improving hardiness and psychological well-being of the female employees of government offices in Khorram Abad. The method used in this paper is semi-experimental, and a pre-test and post-test were given to the control group, as well. The sample includes 34 employees from Khorram Abad (17people chosen for the experimental group and 17 people chosen for the control group). A course of eight ninety-minute sessions on spiritual training-with one session per week- has been conducted. Using multivariate covariance the data have been analyzed. Data analysis show that there is a significant difference between the mean grades of the post-test of experimental group and those of the control group (P<0/01), which indicates that spiritual training has led to the improvement of the hardiness and psychological well-being of the experimental group.
Key words: psychological hardiness, psychological well-being, spiritual training.
The Relationship between Primary Maladjusted Schema,
Personality Traits and Jealousy
Abbas Ali Haratian/ PhD student of general psychology, research center of seminary and University
Seyyed Ali Saturian/ PhD student of general psychology, IKI
Javad Torkashvand/ PhD student of general psychology, IKI
Mohammad Reza Ahmadi/ Assistant professor of psychology group, IKI
Received: 2015/05/31 - Acceopted: 2015/10/20
The current paper aims at analyzing the relationship between primary maladjusted schema, personality traits and jealousy. This study is a descriptive kind of correlation. The statistical society consists of the entire students of Khomein Islamic Azad University. 384 students have been chosen by the method of (multistage random sampling) and answered to the questionnaires on primary maladjusted schema, five-factor personality and Islamic scale for measuring jealousy. The research data have been analyzed through the method of Pierson`s (correlation coefficient) and (step by step regression). The results show a positive and significant relationship between all the areas of primary maladjusted schema and neurotic sub-scale. They also show a negative and significant relationship of extroversion sub-scale, openness, compatibility and conscientiousness with jealousy. Furthermore, the degree of compatibility, severance and rejection, conscientiousness and impaired limitations can explain the significant part of the variance of jealousy. The research findings indicate the importance of parents’ attention on children’s educational system and the emphasis of the therapists and moral counselors on deep infrastructures of this moral trait.
Key words: schema, primary maladjusted schema, personality traits, jealousy.
The Relationship of Religious Orientation with EQ and Sanity
Ali Osat Karimi/ MA of clinical psychology, Azad University science and research branch, Arak
Rahim Naruei Nosrati/ Assistant professor of psychology group, IKI
Mohammad Reza Ahmadi/ Assistant professor of psychology group, IKI
Received: 2016/01/12 - Acceopted: 2016/07/09
The aim of the present paper is exploring the relationship of religious orientation with EQ and sanity. To do so by the method of descriptive-correlational, 297 students (134 girls and 163 boys) from high school talented students in Qom have been chosen through random multistage cluster sampling in the academic year of 1393-1394. The data have been gathered through religious orientation questionnaires, EQ and sanity (GHQ-28) and they have been analyzed by using SPSS and Pierson correlation co-efficiency. The findings show that religious orientation has a direct and significant relationship with EQ and sanity; with the increase in the level of religious orientation the level of EQ and sanity improves. Moreover EQ has direct and significant relationship with sanity; by increasing the EQ sanity improves. By considering the gender the results were confirmed. The findings show that by strengthening religious orientation, we can obtain a higher a higher level of EQ and sanity in the society.
Key words: religious orientation, EQ, sanity.